About Judi:

The Universe gave me a “gift” when I was four years old in the way of a Near Death Experience (NDE). I was playing in a ditch with other children, was stung by bees, and went into anaphylactic shock. The children I was playing with got my mom, and she took me to the hospital. By the time she got me there, I was blue, in cardiac arrest, and clinically “dead”. Clearly they were able to revive me as I am still here today. That experience fundamentally changed me.

The International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS) estimates that “nearly 85% of children who undergo cardiac arrest have a NDE". For his book “Life After Life” Psychiatrist Raymond Moody interviewed hundreds of people who said they had an NDE experience and said (he) “gives extra credibility to the accounts of people who experienced NDE’s as children. Without preconceptions of the afterlife, their glimpse is as true of a glimpse as you can get. When you talk to these children, they have a maturity way beyond their age. It is astonishing what they come back feeling and knowing.” Many of these children report similar things when describing themselves after an NDE. Common themes are “great compassion and love for people, animals, and the earth, intuitively sensing others suffering and hurts as if they are their own, and experiencing premonitions. (The NDE’s) seem to open a door to the metaphysical.” In her book “The Children and Near Death Experiences”, P.M.H. Atwater presents evidence that a child who returns from a NDE “is not the same child as before, but is a remodeled, rewired, reconfigured, refined version of the original with greater empathic abilities.” I was one of these children.

My NDE experience affected the way I look at life death, and the world as a whole. I truly believe I was given a gift to be a conduit for healing energy to help me assist with the physical, mental, and spiritual well being of living things. I have always been attracted to crystals and can feel the energy they emanate. I am adopted and have recently learned my maternal mother and grandmother were both similar, so part of the gift may run with those bloodlines. There are so many things in this world that are not easy to explain since they cannot be seen through the physical eye. There are those of us who feel and know these things to be true and that rings true to me for reiki and crystal healing.


1725 SW Roxbury
Seattle, WA 98106